Is Your B.S. Meter Working?

Is Your B.S. Meter Working?

How’s your BS meter?

This is worth sharing, especially in today’s world of deceit and fake news.

In The Wall Street Journal an article called “It’s Time to Tune Up Your B.S. Detector”  truly resonated with me.  

The article offers 7 key ways of spotting B.S. like check the source; if it sounds too good to be true it usually is; ask questions; don’t trust your gut; ask for evidence; pay attention to people who discount evidence, and stay offline when you are tired.   

Even though these are sound ideas, the article left me wondering about silent clues such as body language, and facial expressions.  As a Human Behavior Specialist, bestselling author of “It’s Just a Conversation” and someone that has been observing consumers for over 30 Years as President of Consumer-Perspective LLC, I know that If there is something important to discuss, that conversation needs be done in person.  This way you can see if someone is being deceitful, appears unsure of the facts and or is just Bullshitting you!

While the liar’s nose won’t grow here are few key VISUALS that should set off your BS meter:

  1. When the person is rubbing his or her eyes while telling you something, chances are they don’t believe what they are saying
  2. When the person is covering their mouth while telling you something, they are lying
  3. If the person nods their head “no” while telling you something positive, chances are they are lying

For more information on how to boost your BS Meter and read someone like your boss, spouse, friend, family member or anyone else you deal with, contact me at and check out my website: for more info on conversations.   

About the Author

Debbie Silverman is a Human Behavior Specialist and President of a consumer research company called Consumer Perspective LLC. She is also a two-time Effie Award winner for Marketing Excellence, NLP Practitioner and creator and co-author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller, “It’s Just a Conversation.”

With 30+ years’ experience, Debbie uses her unique strategic engagement techniques to raise the bar on how businesses communicate with their customers to create RAVING FANS! Debbie gets a thrill when she can reveal ways companies can delight their customers and initiate long-term and PROFITABLE conversations.

Contact Debbie Silverman today for ways to delight your customers; speaking engagements and corporate workshops. Debbie may be reached at You can find Debbie on LinkedIn and Facebook. For more information about Consumer Perspective LLC, please go to

Experience Research: Definitely Important? Why?

Experience Research: Definitely Important? Why?

We all know that in a health emergency we go to the ER.

What do you do when your brand is in Jepoardy?

In my world as a brand engagement expert and president of Consumer-Perspective LLC, ER stands for Experience Research.

Knowing the experience your brand and company give your customers is the difference between a thriving business and one that is in TROUBLE.

Imagine if Coca-Cola did some experience research with their flagship brand Coke instead of juggling product attributes and taste.  The “New Coke” debacle would never have happened.

Consider the Oreo cookie.  What immediately comes to my mind and most others is the way you eat an Oreo.  The kid in me will eat the middle of the Oreo first and save the chocolate cookie for last.  That experience makes me feel young and makes me want to eat more Oreos!  (Just don’t tell my trainer!)

In a recent research study for an Australian seasoning and bouillon company I identified the experience consumers have with the brand.  This learning led to a brand positioning where the brand name is used as a verb in cooking – Let’s Massel Tonight!

While understanding product attributes is important, understanding and embracing one’s experience with your brand is vital to your brand’s health.

What’s impressive about Experience Research is that it’s evergreen (is and will always be relevant to your brand’s success); is important to everyone (young and old); creates a feeling (good or bad) and knowing if your Brand Experience is positive or negative and knowing how to improve one’s experience could be a way to create product extensions, enhance advertising messages, increase price points and SALES!

Ask yourself these 5 simple questions about your business.  Hint, if you answer “NO” to any of them take your brand to Consumer-Perspective’s ER right away!

  1. Do I know if my customers are getting a truly positive experience at every touch point with my company?
  2. Have I taken off my marketing hat and walked in my customers’ shoes lately?
  3. Can my customers get through to a live person if they call my business?
  4. Would all customers recommend my products / services to a close friend?
  5. Would all my customers be upset if my business went out of business tomorrow?

Customer Experience is definitely worth talking about.  If you want to have that conversation, please call me today!  Check out my website for contact information:

About the Author

Debbie Silverman is a Human Behavior Specialist and President of a consumer research company called Consumer Perspective LLC. She is also a two-time Effie Award winner for Marketing Excellence, NLP Practitioner and creator and co-author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller, “It’s Just a Conversation.”

With 30+ years’ experience, Debbie uses her unique strategic engagement techniques to raise the bar on how businesses communicate with their customers to create RAVING FANS! Debbie gets a thrill when she can reveal ways companies can delight their customers and initiate long-term and PROFITABLE conversations.

Contact Debbie Silverman today for ways to delight your customers; speaking engagements and corporate workshops. Debbie may be reached at You can find Debbie on LinkedIn and Facebook. For more information about Consumer Perspective LLC, please go to

Loyal Customers? Spice It Up!

Loyal Customers? Spice It Up!

Loyal customers… How do you get them?  “Where there’s spice, there’s a loyal shopper” states Sarah Nassauer in her article called “Why Spicy-Food Lovers Make Great Customers” in The Wall Street Journal, April 30, 2014.

Sarah goes on to say that there’s a “new understanding about how people who love spicy foods eat – and – shop is fueling the latest wave in making package foods hotter.”

“You get endorphins when you eat something really spicy, which feels adventurous to flavor-seeking eaters,” says Krista Lorio, senior manager of consumer insights for General Mills Inc.

“People who crave bold flavors are a growing and varied group, mostly made up of young, Hispanic and older shoppers,” companies say.

One walk down the aisle of any supermarket and its obvious that companies are spicing up their products. Take for example Bumble Bee Tuna. Now flavor cravers can find BUMBLE BEE ALBACORE TUNA with Jalapenos & Olive Oil. Kraft is also getting into the spicy section with its BIG SLICE HOT HABANERO cheese slices.  “Kraft even redesigned the packaging of its spicy cheese to include a ‘heat scale’ from one to five chili peppers,” says Sarah.

“Spice lovers like to ‘push’ the boundaries to see how far they can go,” says Chris Hjorth, senior director of marketing for natural cheese at Kraft Foods Group Inc.

Food companies are not the only ones turning up the heat and spicing up their products and services to win over customers.  Huh, what? How can other companies spice up their brands?  They do it by spicing up their customer’s experience.

Customers appreciate when companies spice up their experience so much that they become loyal customers.

A look at the latest advertising from Old Spice and Burberry, it is clear that customers seek more than the basic brand ‘flavor’.

Old Spice is definitely not your grandfather’s Old Spice anymore.

“Thanks to former NFL player Isaiah Mustafa who told women to “Look at your man, now back at me.” Old Spice is suddenly new Old Spice. Since the first commercial launched a year ago, the 79-year-old brand’s ad campaign generated tens of millions of online views” according to Judith Aquino in a Business Insider article called The 10 Most Successful Re-branding Campaigns Ever. “Old Spice didn’t change its logo, it changed the experience.” said Marc Shillum, principal at Method, Inc. a consulting agency for brand designs.

    Customers aren’t buying a brand – they are buying the adventure.

Burberry Revamped

Burberry is another brand that has spiced up its image and is creating a loyal following of young professionals. Using high-profile celebrities such as Kate Moss and actress Emma Watson of Harry Potter fame, Burberry has transformed its Brand from ‘frumpy’ into one of the hottest fashion labels, say retail experts.

Want loyal customers? Then it’s time to spice up your brand.  Brands that spice it up with an adventurous experience, whether it’s through taste, visual, scent, audio, or tactile, are the ones that allow us to imagine and want to be part of the experience and are the ones that create our loyalty.

Do you have examples of brands you use that have spiced up your life? Are you more loyal to those brands than others? Would love to hear your spicy experiences.

Please share your brand experiences below.

About the Author

Debbie Silverman is a Human Behavior Specialist and President of a consumer research company called Consumer Perspective LLC. She is also a two-time Effie Award winner for Marketing Excellence, NLP Practitioner and creator and co-author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller, “It’s Just a Conversation.”

With 30+ years’ experience, Debbie uses her unique strategic engagement techniques to raise the bar on how businesses communicate with their customers to create RAVING FANS! Debbie gets a thrill when she can reveal ways companies can delight their customers and initiate long-term and PROFITABLE conversations.

Contact Debbie Silverman today for ways to delight your customers; speaking engagements and corporate workshops. Debbie may be reached at You can find Debbie on LinkedIn and Facebook. For more information about Consumer Perspective LLC, please go to

Creative Thinking in Business

Creative Thinking in Business

Innovation, no matter the company you work for or own, comes from creative thinking in business and how one views problems and develops solutions. A traditional form of creative thinking in business may include brainstorming. In my earlier years on the advertising agency side of the business, I can remember sitting in brainstorming sessions where senior management would tell us that truly successful people think outside of the box and would ask us to do the same.

We were told that “innovators would not let the ‘rules’ and perceptual constraints get in the way of their creative thinking.”

In an article in The Wall Street Journal, called “Think Inside The Box,” Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg contend that “… people are at their most innovative when they work within the constraints of what they already know.” They go on to give excellent examples of products that were created when people were thinking inside the proverbial box. Interestingly, they use the fundamentals of mathematics (e.g., subtraction, multiplication, division) to explain creative thinking inside the box. For example, products such as contact lenses, exercise bikes, and dry soup were developed because the inventors stayed within the ‘box’ and subtracted or removed a key element. Subtract the frame from glasses and you have contact lenses; subtract one wheel from a bicycle and you have an exercise bike and you know what happens when you take the liquid out of soup. (

Creative thinking and being innovative is limited by our own opinions, preconceptions and assumptions. If we limit ourselves by what we think we know or what we ASSUME to be true, we decrease our ability to think bigger, creatively and with a different perspective. When I hear the word ASSUME, I have to chuckle because I’m reminded of the Odd Couple episode from Season 3 where Felix Unger spelled out ASSUME in court and showed us “when you assume something, you make an ASS out of U and Me.”


Now I’m thinking, inside or outside the box, does it really matter as long as we think differently?

As noted in the Wall Street Journal article, and something I totally agree with is that to think differently one has to totally retrain the way his or her brain thinks about problem solving and has to let go of limiting beliefs and assumptions.

One important way to retrain your brain and think differently is to THINK in REVERSE!

When you think in reverse, you consider the outcome or goal first instead of the problem you want to solve. This allows you to be more creative with your ideas.

I first learned about reverse thinking on the golf course and by reading Zen Golf, Mastering the Mental Game by Dr. Joseph Parent. The idea is to envision your goal or the outcome in your mind and your body will perform to make it happen. This is definitely a technique that all winning golfers and athletes practice.

A fabulous business example of Thinking in Reverse is how GE developed a battery-operated electrocardiogram machine as a solution for first responders. According to an article in Ad Age (“P&G, Levi’s, GE Innovate by Thinking in Reverse” as published on June 13, 2011) (, GE’s new product was developed because there was a need to create affordable and manageable equipment in India. The article goes on to describe the process as “reverse innovation.” The notion is to create a product in a developing market (such as India) and import that idea into a more mature market (such as the US). To address the problem that only 10% of Indians are rich enough to afford medical products, GE developed a portable, battery-operated electrocardiogram machine that sells for $500. Intended as a solution for rural Indian markets where bulky $20,000 machines made little sense, the product is now making inroads in the U.S. as a solution for first responders.

Is your company Innovative? Do you think Inside, Outside or In Reverse? Or do you have a different way of describing it? Can you imagine creating ideas by changing the way you think?

Consumer Perspective can help you create new products and services by seeing possibilities from an unconventional approach.

I’d love to know how you think and how we can serve you. Post your comments below.

About the Author

Debbie Silverman is a Human Behavior Specialist and President of a consumer research company called Consumer Perspective LLC. She is also a two-time Effie Award winner for Marketing Excellence, NLP Practitioner and creator and co-author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller, “It’s Just a Conversation.”

With 30+ years’ experience, Debbie uses her unique strategic engagement techniques to raise the bar on how businesses communicate with their customers to create RAVING FANS! Debbie gets a thrill when she can reveal ways companies can delight their customers and initiate long-term and PROFITABLE conversations.

Contact Debbie Silverman today for ways to delight your customers; speaking engagements and corporate workshops. Debbie may be reached at You can find Debbie on LinkedIn and Facebook. For more information about Consumer Perspective LLC, please go to

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

Are you concerned about customer satisfaction with your business?

Do you really KNOW your customers and do you KNOW what they want?

Do you know how to THRILL your customers?
If you think you know … the truth may surprise you!

Customer satisfaction has to do with KNOWING what they want.

Dale Carnegie, author of the famous book, How to Win Friends and Influence People , opens one chapter of his book by saying, “I often went fishing up in Maine during the Summer. Personally, I am very fond of strawberries and cream, but have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms. So when I went fishing, I didn’t think about what I wanted – I thought about what they wanted!” really know them. When was the last time you asked them about their wants, needs, fears? When was the last time you thrilled your customers?

Guessing could lead to severe consequences like loosing customers to your competition. After all, customers can always go someplace else!

When was the last time you asked them why they use your product or service?

When was the last time you observed your customers using your product or service?
When was the last time you paid attention to your competition?
When was the last time you asked past customers why they stopped using your product?

When was the last time you conducted a customer satisfaction study and asked them how your company could serve them better?
When was the last time you listened to what they had to say?

When was the last time you thrilled your customer?

Can you take off your marketing hat and learn to think like your customer?

Do you have a written and visual reminder of what your thrilled customers look like?
Is it in your face all the time?

If you can’t remember the last conversation you had with your customers and you have a blurry image of your customers then its time to rethink your marketing plan!

Customer satisfaction comes from paying attention to your customers and following these five steps:

  1. Put yourself in their shoes. See and understand your product or service through their eyes.
  2. Embrace and understand the Process your customer goes through when in need of the type of service or product you provide.
  3. Identify your customers’ Problems.
  4. Use Professionals or experts (such as Consumer Perspective and editors of trade publications) to learn more about your customer or client.
  5. Create a brief prospect Profile of your ideal customer.

Bonus Step: Persistence Don’t give up!

Imagine knowing your customers so well you can create new products and services. Imagine creating communication efforts that truly speak to your customers and imagine THRILLING them in such a way that they become ‘raving’ fans on social media.

Addressing the above steps to satisfying your customers means spending time getting to know your customers. It means going back to the basics — like why your brand exists and the one problem it solves. It means asking your customers or clients what they want and understanding their needs and problems.

It means getting to know your customers again for the first time.

It means going beyond satisfying your customers to THRILLING them! Customer Satisfaction Illustration

Stop wasting your valuable time and marketing dollars thinking or guessing you know what your customers want — its time to pick up the phone or email us to learn how satisfying your customers will lead to THRILLING them!!


Great Life Lessons as Taught by My Dog Jax

Great Life Lessons as Taught by My Dog Jax

As an observer and listener of life lessons I’ve been ‘trained’ to see the world differently.

I recently realized that one can learn a lot about human behavior by one’s dog.  Jax, our 95lb Rhodesian Ridgeback has taught us many things. The ones that resonate the most and have had the most impact on my life include the following:


1. Every dog  is different

2. Touching is key in every relationship

3. Body language  and using your voice is very effective in getting what you want

3a. Loud whining also works

4, Your dog learns faster than you do

5. Stay focused and don’t overreact — like when your dog chews your glasses

6. Be grateful of his presence everyday even when all 95lbs are on your foot

7. Humility — thinking you know everything about something and you know “jax” s—t

8. Being loved by your best friend even when he tries your patience

9. Praise and rewards, even small ones, go a long way

10. No matter how difficult the situation, he will always find a way to melt your heart!

11. Change is not easy – take a different path home and all hell breaks loose
Bonus: Life is a training session!


Let’s take a closer look at some of these life lessons —


Every dog is different: Jax is our third Ridgeback. We thought we knew how he would be and that we could easily train him ourselves.

After all, Remy, our first one was so laid back that he was affectionately known as The Big Easy.

Our second one, Ben, was a Momma’s boy and also easy to train.

Yet, even though Jax is a Ridgeback, he marches to his own drummer.

Life Lesson Learned: If you think you know someone (including your customers or clients) the truth may surprise you.

Be grateful of his presence everyday: Life is short, especially in dog years. Be grateful for the people in your life (especially the furry ones). 

Life Lesson Learned: Your customers and clients (whether furry or not) are what get you up in the morning. Respect and cherish them!

Praise and rewards, even small ones, go a long way: This is true for four legged friends as well as human ones. By the way, a small reward such as a blueberry works really well in training Jax.

Life Lesson Learned: Praise and small tokens of recognition help to motivate us and keep us coming back. It’s amazing how this works in creating loyal employees and customers!

Change is not easy, take a different path home and all hell breaks loose: Change is the only thing we can count on (in addition to taxes and death).

Life Lesson Learned: Change is the most important thing to keep us going, especially when things are going along fine. Change provides opportunities which provide solutions. If you create change and better outcomes, everyone around you will benefit!

About the Author

Debbie Silverman is a Human Behavior Specialist and President of a consumer research company called Consumer Perspective LLC. She is also a two-time Effie Award winner for Marketing Excellence, NLP Practitioner and creator and co-author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller, “It’s Just a Conversation.”

With 30+ years’ experience, Debbie uses her unique strategic engagement techniques to raise the bar on how businesses communicate with their customers to create RAVING FANS! Debbie gets a thrill when she can reveal ways companies can delight their customers and initiate long-term and PROFITABLE conversations.

Contact Debbie Silverman today for ways to delight your customers; speaking engagements and corporate workshops. Debbie may be reached at You can find Debbie on LinkedIn and Facebook. For more information about Consumer Perspective LLC, please go to

Is the Secret to Success – ADD?

Is the Secret to Success – ADD?

A couple of months ago I attended a global business conference in LA called Mega Partnering VII (The World’s #1 Wealth Networking Conference).

Six years ago, J.T. Foxx, the brainchild of this incredible breakthrough business idea started out with nothing more than a rusted out Ford pick-up truck, $974, one cheap suit and ADD (ADHD). (Attention deficit disorder (ADD) which is sometimes known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that occurs in early childhood during which responses are inhibited. The child has poor attention as well as impulsivity and hyperactivity.)

According to the Attention Deficit Disorder Association approximately 7% of children and 5% of adults have ADD/ADHD.

Now J.T. is a successful and highly sought after motivational speaker, real estate investor and brilliant entrepreneur. He proudly announces that he is ADD and uses it every chance he gets to explain why he can’t sit still; can’t focus and is constantly fidgeting. Even when interviewing some of his renowned guests like Donna Karan, Arnold Schwarzenegger and numerous others, J.T. Foxx acted and looked like a child that couldn’t wait to get out of class. Donna even asked him what he was doing when he took the remote away from her during her presentation.

J.T. Foxx is in great company. He shares his ADD (ADHD) qualities with the likes of Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, President Kennedy, Michael Jordan, Walt Disney, David Neeleman (Founder, CEO of Jet Blue) Richard Branson (founder of Virgin Airlines), and Michael Phelps (the most decorated Olympian of all time), to mention some very talented, successful and accomplished people.

ADD: Einstein Had It

Would A E be good in a Focus Group?

Can you imagine a focus group or brain storming session with Albert Einstein? It would be a very interesting and creative to say the least.

According to Shane Perrault, PHD, “Entrepreneurs with ADHD can harness their creativity to increase profitability.” (As reported in Psychology Today, Sept 16,2009).

J.T. Foxx has figured out how to use his disorder to make millions! To see him in action is quite magical. He is creative, innovative, disruptive, thinks way outside the box, is a maverick and plays by his own rules, is intuitive and resilient. All amazing trademarks of successful people with ADD.

 What was also fun to watch during the 5-day conference was that various speakers admitted to having ADD – whether they had it or not. It seemed to be “the in thing” for explaining hiccups in their presentations.

Perhaps that’s something I should consider when things don’t go as planned in business and in life!

Do you know any insanely successful people? Do they have ADD? How do they use this special disorder to get ahead? I’d love to hear your comments regarding successful people and ADD. Please post your comments below.

About the Author

Debbie Silverman is a Human Behavior Specialist and President of a consumer research company called Consumer Perspective LLC. She is also a two-time Effie Award winner for Marketing Excellence, NLP Practitioner and creator and co-author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller, “It’s Just a Conversation.”

With 30+ years’ experience, Debbie uses her unique strategic engagement techniques to raise the bar on how businesses communicate with their customers to create RAVING FANS! Debbie gets a thrill when she can reveal ways companies can delight their customers and initiate long-term and PROFITABLE conversations.

Contact Debbie Silverman today for ways to delight your customers; speaking engagements and corporate workshops. Debbie may be reached at You can find Debbie on LinkedIn and Facebook. For more information about Consumer Perspective LLC, please go to

What Is Today’s American Dream?

What Is Today’s American Dream?


Yesterday’s American Dream was to own your own home.


In today’s ever changing economy that dream is becoming a nightmare. Don’t get me wrong many Americans still want to own instead of rent and many already own a home – or let’s say the bank is letting them live there . The difference today is that adults want more – a lot more!

According to a recent survey conducted by Consumer Perspective, there is more than one American Dream. One biggie is to have piece of mind that their family and friends are safe. Another is to have the resources to get out of the corporate jungle and start their own business (as evidenced by the incredible growth of business coaches, life coaches, and even dream coaches).; and another popular dream is to have enough money to do whatever they want to do.

Would love to hear what your American Dream is and what you are doing to make it a Dream Come True.

About the Author

Debbie Silverman is a Human Behavior Specialist and President of a consumer research company called Consumer Perspective LLC. She is also a two-time Effie Award winner for Marketing Excellence, NLP Practitioner and creator and co-author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller, “It’s Just a Conversation.”

With 30+ years’ experience, Debbie uses her unique strategic engagement techniques to raise the bar on how businesses communicate with their customers to create RAVING FANS! Debbie gets a thrill when she can reveal ways companies can delight their customers and initiate long-term and PROFITABLE conversations.

Contact Debbie Silverman today for ways to delight your customers; speaking engagements and corporate workshops. Debbie may be reached at You can find Debbie on LinkedIn and Facebook. For more information about Consumer Perspective LLC, please go to